A/D Energy Efficiency
Enjoy the outstanding efficiency
12 кг
Број на вртежи на центрифугата: 1400 rpm
Капацитет на сушење: 8 кг
Начин на поставување: Самостоен
Ширина: 595 mm
Висина: 845 mm
Enjoy the outstanding efficiency
One fill For one month
Stay sterile laundry
Keep allergies away from your laundry
A/D Energy Efficiency
Enjoy the outstanding efficiency
Thanks to constant improvements in energy efficiency, you can get all the benefits of a modern washing machine & dryer using significantly less energy. This means lower electricity bills and environmental sustainability.
Auto Dosing
One fill For one month
Your washing machine will automatically choose the precise detergent or softener dosage according to the weight of clothes. Better still, this machine can store up to 24 loads at one time - about a month without adding it again*.
Hygiene Guard
Stay sterile laundry
This product can remove bacteria through drum clean* and soapbox clean, and the Pure Jet function can wash away the stains on the door and bellow. The bellow here is also made of sterile material.
Steam Wash
Keep allergies away from your laundry
The high-temperature steam is released from the bottom of the drum, and the steam fully penetrates the clothes, which can eliminate 99.9%* of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus attached to the clothes.
Excellence in half the space
Hisense's 2-in-1 solution allows you to wash and dry your laundry in just one appliance. Get the same quality results in half the space and with less work. Drying starts automatically after the washing is finished, resulting in perfectly washed and dryed clothes.
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